Disciple: Researching Your Roots
The how and why of discovering and building your church’s story By the Rev. Canon Lindsey Ardrey and Lynn Hoke It’s so early in the morning that darkness still lingers …
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina
4800 Six Forks Road
Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 834-7474
The how and why of discovering and building your church’s story By the Rev. Canon Lindsey Ardrey and Lynn Hoke It’s so early in the morning that darkness still lingers …
How personal stories enrich our history By the Rev. Canon Kathy Walker Telling stories is a time-honored tradition. Most of us are quite familiar with Jesus and his parables in …
Jesus’ teachings and Indigenous world views have much in common By the Rev. Bradley Hauff Over the last few years, the wider world has begun to understand the abuses and …
Your invitation to join a diocesan quest By the Rev. Canon Lindsey Ardrey Editor’s note: The following piece is adapted from the Rev. Canon Lindsey Ardrey’s address to the 208th …
How St. Mark’s, Huntersville, is honoring the lives and legacies of formerly enslaved people By Summerlee Walter Elizabeth McCoy—not her family surname, but the one she received from the people who …
Walking in the footsteps of the past By Beth Crow and the Rev. Monnie Riggin There is nothing quite so sacred or moving as walking on the path and in the …
By The Rev. Jemonde Taylor None of the mission strategy priorities of the Diocese of North Carolina stands alone. They are inextricably linked with one another, with the actions of one directly impacting one …
True partnership is a thing of wonder. When done well, partnership provides benefits to all parties and creates an environment of mutual support and understanding. When done really well, it reveals unexpected …
St. Michael’s, Raleigh, explores local history of race and real estate By the Rev. Greg Jones Anyone who has lived in downtown Raleigh, near North Carolina State University, or gone to …
The story of God, land and race at Holy Family, Chapel Hill By the Rev. Sarah Ball-Damberg One of the goals of the diocesan mission strategy’s priority of Racial Reckoning, Justice and Healing is …