All Saints’, Concord, Awarded 2018 UTO Grant for Racial Reconciliation

By Diocesan House

All Saints’, Concord, is one of 34 recipients of 2018 United Thank Offering (UTO) grants. The church received $31,681 to fund a project “focused on racial equity and justice and involving six partnering churches, [which] proposes a multi-angle, long-term approach for addressing issues of racial injustice and inequities in one local community, with the ultimate goal of unity with God and each other in Christ.”

In 2017, UTO raised $1,283,216.21 through its Ingathering, which funded the 2018 grant cycle. The funds supported $25,000 worth of young adult and seminarian grants and 34 grants to churches and dioceses. The focus of the 2018 grant cycle was Becoming Beloved Community: Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice.

UTO is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings and to distribute the 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and provinces of the Anglican Communion.

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