Advent: A Season of Real Joy
By The Rev. Dr. Hector Sintim
Another season of Advent is upon us, which can be the coming of someone or something extremely special. It is a season of expectation of a savior who is come to prepare us for the kingdom of God. It is a time of prayer, penitence and fasting among many saints. To most Christians, it is a time of joy because our Savior is going to be born and bring joy to the world.
Thus, according to the great book, we are admonished to rejoice always. This can pose very difficult questions for many people. Some of the questions they ask are how people can rejoice when they are struggling, faced with all the vicissitudes of life; when the world in which they live is comprised of many dissimilar elements; when life, to most people, is an embodiment of all social evil; when all the news they read, see and hear in the newspapers, media and TV are full of negative reflections on life. Someone once said, we work so hard, and yet we as humans do not have enough time to enjoy what we work for.
For most people, this takes away the joy in their life, a life they have spent years working to build. This year has been one many people want to forget quickly. It’s been unbearable for families, churches and entire nations worldwide. In this season of Advent, though, the good Lord is bringing joy. Joy that brings hope in the midst of a crying and uncertain world. Joy as a light in a world of wars, pain, killings, unemployment, homelessness and other great suffering. God sees the predicament of his people.
In this season of expectation, Jesus is coming to us with joy that changes the situations or circumstances we might be experiencing. It is within this atmosphere we need to remember that grief and sadness are only for a season when you put your life into proper perspective in God. If we allow it, the seeds of tears can grow into new spiritual growth and lead us to a new experience of joy and hope. Our tragedies of life can become a learning experience if we look at the positive side of them and if we patiently wait upon the Lord, trust Him to help and redirect us on a right path.
During this time, we are encouraged to find joy in our own salvation in the Son and to be “confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) For those who learn to trust Him no matter the potholes and pitfalls in life, God always finishes what He starts. In this season, God has started our salvation in His son, bringing new things and helping families with the spirit of wisdom so they might improve their lives.
In this season, God wants His people to “take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4) During this season, with a positive attitude and faith, we can know or experience real joy in knowing that Jesus loves us and is coming back for us regardless of who we are or what our individual pasts might be, no matter what problems we have, the nature of the storms that plague us or the ways life can zigzag on us. The faithful can have real joy in the comfort of His love only if we learn to trust Him, crown Him, and make Him part of our day-to-day lives. The question, then, is: What is the foundation of your joy? Jesus? Or your trials, temptations, fears, financial difficulties, relationship downfalls, unsolved family issues or happenings throughout the world? Are you putting your whole body and soul (mind, will and emotions) into serving the Lord, or are you allowing problems to control you to the point you are ungluing God from your mind?
Someone asked me during last Advent, “Is true spiritual joy a part of your everyday life?” Today, I ask you the same question. If it is not, it can be. But only if you overcome the “have nots,” “cannots,” “will nots” and “do nots” in your personal life. The Bible assures us that we can do all things though Christ who strengthens us.
During this season, you might be going through grief, pain or suffering, but remember, Jesus is coming and says,
“Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy. When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world. So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. On that day you will ask nothing of me. Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.” (John 16:20-24)
Whoever you are, whatever you might be going through, Jesus wants you, your family and friends, and nations of the world to experience joy in our time of war, in the hour of unfriendly political climate, unstable economy or while experiencing any form of suffering. Friends, when we allow Jesus to know what is going on in our lives and make every effort in seeking joy in God, He alone can virtually revolutionize our lives and change our circumstances.
And yet so many people still do not experience true divine joy in their physical lives. It may be for a number of reasons.
- We do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and, therefore, cannot experience the joy salvation produces.
- One’s past errors, way of life or sin. Whatever it is, Jesus came for you in this season and comes with joy.
- Wrong focus, goals or chosen path in life. As a result of any one of these, human joy can be lost, leading a person to lack of faith in himself and in the Lord. In turn, this keeps a person from making any effort toward spiritual growth and development.
During this season of Advent, I encourage you to take a few minutes each day to reflect on a portion of the Word to keep strong your faith and joy in the Lord.
I admonish you to go to the Lord in prayer. Take everything to Him and let Him do the worrying, thinking, problem solving and the giving of joy to you always. He is at hand; call Him while He may still be found to supply all your needs and solve all your problems. Make an effort by looking positively at every situation instead of dwelling on the negative. Make every effort to look at others with love and compassion through the loving eyes of Jesus.
Advent is a season of new beginnings. True joy comes to those who learn to follow and trust the Lord to help them through life’s journey. As we begin this Advent season, let me encourage you to start and end your day with the joy of praising the Lord. Someone once said true joy is “the ability to stand and cope with the problems of life by building a solid spiritual foundation of trust on Jesus.” In other words, following Jesus’ teachings throughout one’s lifetime to help build a solid foundation is to have real joy!