Lectionary Commentaries
The following is an archive of weekly commentaries by the Rev. Dr. Fred L. Horton for readings in the Revised Common Lectionary.
- First Sunday in Advent
- Second Sunday in Advent
- Third Sunday in Advent
- Fourth Sunday in Advent
- Holy Name
- The Epiphany
- The First Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Second Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Third Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Eighth Sunday After the Epiphany
- The Last Sunday After the Epiphany
- Ash Wednesday
- First Sunday in Lent
- Second Sunday in Lent
- Third Sunday in Lent
- Fourth Sunday in Lent
- Fifth Sunday in Lent
- The Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday)
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Vigil
- Easter Sunday
- Second Sunday of Easter
- Third Sunday of Easter
- Fourth Sunday of Easter
- Fifth Sunday of Easter
- Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Ascension Day
- Seventh Sunday of Easter
- Trinity Sunday
- St. Peter and St. Paul
- Pentecost
- Proper 1
- Proper 2
- Proper 3
- Proper 4
- Proper 5
- Proper 6
- Proper 7
- Proper 8
- Proper 9
- Transfiguration
- Proper 10
- Proper 11
- Proper 12
- Proper 13
- Proper 14
- Proper 15
- Proper 16
- Proper 17
- Proper 18
- Proper 19
- Proper 20
- Proper 21
- Proper 22
- Proper 23
- Proper 24
- Proper 25
- Proper 26
- All Saints’ Day
- Proper 27
- Proper 28
- Proper 29
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, Proper I
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, Proper II
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, Proper III
- First Sunday After Christmas
- Second Sunday After Christmas
- First Sunday in Advent
- Second Sunday in Advent
- Third Sunday in Advent
- Fourth Sunday in Advent
- Holy Name
- Epiphany
- The First Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
- Ash Wednesday
- The First Sunday in Lent
- The Second Sunday in Lent
- The Third Sunday in Lent
- The Fourth Sunday in Lent
- The Fifth Sunday in Lent
- The Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday)
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Vigil
- Easter
- The Second Sunday of Easter
- The Third Sunday of Easter
- The Fourth Sunday of Easter
- The Fifth Sunday of Easter
- The Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Ascension Day
- The Seventh Sunday of Easter
- Trinity Sunday
- St. Peter and St. Paul
- Pentecost
- Proper 1
- Proper 2
- Proper 3
- Proper 4
- Proper 5
- Proper 6
- Proper 7
- Proper 8
- Proper 9
- Proper 10
- Proper 11
- Proper 12
- Proper 13
- Proper 14
- Proper 15
- Proper 16
- Proper 17
- Proper 18
- Proper 19
- Proper 20
- Proper 21
- Proper 22
- Proper 23
- Proper 24
- Proper 25
- Proper 26
- All Saints’ Day
- Proper 27
- Proper 28
- Proper 29
- Thanksgiving
- First Sunday in Advent
- Second Sunday in Advent
- Third Sunday in Advent
- Fourth Sunday in Advent
- Holy Name
- Epiphany
- The First Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
- The Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany
- Ash Wednesday
- The First Sunday in Lent
- The Second Sunday in Lent
- The Third Sunday in Lent
- The Fourth Sunday in Lent
- The Fifith Sunday in Lent
- The Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday)
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Vigil
- Easter
- The Second Sunday of Easter
- The Third Sunday of Easter
- The Fourth Sunday of Easter
- The Fifth Sunday of Easter
- The Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Ascension
- The Seventh Sunday of Easter
- Trinity Sunday
- St. Peter and St. Paul
- Pentecost
- Proper 1
- Proper 2
- Proper 3
- Proper 4
- Proper 5
- Proper 6
- Proper 7
- Proper 8
- Proper 9
- Proper 10
- Proper 11
- Proper 12
- Proper 13
- Proper 14
- Proper 15
- Proper 16
- Proper 17
- Proper 18
- Proper 19
- Proper 20
- Proper 21
- Proper 22
- Proper 23
- Proper 24
- Proper 25
- Proper 26
- All Saints’ Day
- Proper 27
- Proper 28
- Proper 29
- Thanksgiving