Adult Formation
Formation doesn’t stop once a Christian ages out of Sunday school, vacation Bible school or youth group. A wealth of resources are available for adults looking to deepen their biblical knowledge, learn a new spiritual discipline, or find some comfort and inspiration. We’ve collected a handful of our favorites below.
Use the arrows to navigate among months on the calendar.
There is no adult confirmation class scheduled at this time.
Children, youth, and adult leaders: All are welcome!
This formation gathering is for all those working in ministry with children, youth, families or adults. Each month we gather via Zoom to participate in shared professional development, receive and share resources, and go into break-out sessions around ministry focus areas.
Please help us spread the word to those who work in formation, no matter the age they serve. These gatherings will be helpful to staff and volunteer leaders.
- Second Thursday of each month, 9-10:30 a.m.
- The following Tuesday, 7-8:30 p.m.
- Come to either session.
Contact Lisa Aycock, Leah Dail or Jenny Beaumont with questions or for more information.
The Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee (RJRC) is the body responsible for identifying the needs and potential solutions pertaining to racial inequities and white supremacy in the diocese and in our churches. They have aggregated a list of recommended programs.
Thursdays, 1-1:30 p.m. via Zoom
Begins January 9, 2025
“Bearing Witness” is a free video-based study program from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ). “Bearing Witness” shares the stories of people living in Palestine and Israel and the remarkable ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem that bring hope and healing in this volatile part of the world.
The Diocese of North Carolina is offering its second chance to take part and experience this extraordinary curriculum, either for its own sake or with an eye toward facilitating the curriculum in your own congregation or ministry.
A one-time facilitator training will follow the five-week course on February 20.
This is a particularly timely offering for those who want to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the dynamics, gifts and challenges of belonging to a land that is shared by many faiths, ethnicities and nationalities. It is a way of first listening, praying and discerning how God might be calling us to be in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Jerusalem, Gaza, the Galilee, the West Bank and the entire area where Jesus lived, taught, and gave himself up to the glory of God and for the sake of creating beloved community on earth. It models what it means to walk in love in one of the hardest regions on earth and recalibrates our hearts and our ministries in the process.
Education for Ministry is a four-year theological education program which familiarizes individuals with the foundation of the Christian faith and teaches them how to interpret and express that faith in daily life. EfM groups exits throughout the Diocese and usually meet in churches. Most new groups come together each fall, but a few groups begin in January.
For more information, please e-mail Marcia Moore, EfM Coordinator for the Diocese of North Carolina.
Browse the collection of Bishop Sam’s monthly Bible studies with special guests. (And follow us on Facebook so you can watch future installments live!)
Browse the collection of Bishop Sam’s meditations on feast days.
The online media library of the Short Courses for Adult Christian Formation, created by the former School of Ministry, has been moved to a new platform. Nine programs, comprised of more than 35 individual videos varying in length from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, are available. All include facilitators’ guides for leading discussions of each program.
Go Speak is a program introduced in this diocese in 2014. The people who have participated in Go Speak have found it to be valuable, not only because they told their own stories, but because they heard others’ stories of faith. This is evangelism at its best!
Knowing the power of this process, and recognizing our church’s priority to engage in acts of racial reconciliation, a second deck of cards—Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition—was created in response to requests from across the Diocese. Using these cards will help us to speak out of our own experiences as we respond to our Christian call “to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8)
Learn more about Go Speak and download a deck.
Vibrant Faith is an organization with a team of passionate, ecumenical ministry leaders on a mission to explore the changing landscape of faith formation in the hearts of people today. Vibrant Faith provides resources in several different areas: action research, training, and digital strategy.
Building Faith is a free website that offers practical resources for ministry with children, youth, and adults. You’ll find articles, advice, reviews, features, and resources for Christian formation with people of all ages. They are here to serve you, as you make and form disciples of Jesus Christ.
Building Faith is a resource of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching (CMT) at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Forma is an association and dynamic community of Christian educators, formation professionals, and their institutional partners that celebrates and upholds the diverse ministries of Christian formation across the Episcopal Church. You can join and participate in this network for idea-sharing with Episcopal Christian educators and formation personnel across all ministries of the Church, including children, youth, young adults, adults, chaplaincies, camp and conference centers, resources centers, seminaries, publishers, and more.
Living Compass grounded in Scripture and the tradition of the Church, is a faith-based wellness ministry that provides resources, coaching, education, training, and support to individuals, families, and congregations as they seek to live the abundant life God intends for them.
Cursillo in the Diocese of NC is an Episcopal movement under the direction of our Bishop. The goal of Cursillo is “to change the world, to remake the world in Christ and to restore all things to Christ, beginning with our own environments. (Notice the deliberate parallel with the Catechism statements on the purpose of ‘the church’ on pages 1012-1013 in BCP.) The Three-Day Weekend introduces the strategy of Cursillo – a structure or a backbone for Christian life in every environment. The Fourth Day represents the ways that we continue to support each other in living that Christian life and it consists of Group Reunion (small group), Ultreya (an area wide gathering), Spiritual Direction, and Communities in Action. These things are the heart of the movement.
Typically, a person attends a weekend first and then joins a small group but many people first join a small group. The weekend itself is usually held at a local church to keep costs low. The weekend is full of both instruction, inspiration, and fun!
Learn more and find upcoming events: