Global Mission Grants

Churches in the Diocese of North Carolina are invited to apply for funding in support of global mission. Desiring to increase global relationships among our congregations as an expression of God’s love and as an advancement of God’s mission in the world, the Chartered Committee for Global Mission encourages proposals which engage congregations in the Diocese of North Carolina with existing and potential global partners. Funded projects should address needs in the global community while enhancing relationships between groups in the Diocese of North Carolina and global partners. The Committee may from time to time name particular themes or emphases for a grant cycle.


Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.

Global Mission Grants

  • Congregations and other church-based entities (women’s and youth groups are examples) that have or seek an involvement in a global mission relationship are eligible for grants. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Preference in granting awards will first be given to requests originating within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to those global entities with an established relationship with a congregation or group within the Diocese of North Carolina; then to North Carolina congregations and potential global partners seeking engagement with one another; and finally to those with a relationship within the Episcopal Church or Anglican Communion, including initiatives from ecumenical entities and non-governmental organizations which actively maintain relationships with local partners in the Anglican Communion.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that address particular community needs as defined by the global partner. The activity should serve to empower that community and be sustainable in nature. Where possible, it should advance the relationship between the congregation or other church entity in North Carolina and the global partner.
  • Grants for funding projects from $1,000 to $5,000 may be awarded. Such grants may be renewed, especially when they advance the project beyond the original proposal.
  • Grants for travel expenses for diocesan or congregational pilgrimages and mission trips, whether to companion dioceses or elsewhere, will not be awarded. However, travel expenses for a global partner to come to North Carolina may be considered when valuable to a proposed project or activity.
  • Applicants should demonstrate efforts to raise funds from sources other than Global Mission grants.
  • Normally, proposals will not be considered nor funding provided before the date of a particular grant cycle. Exceptions would apply to proposals related to an emergency (examples might be a natural disaster, public health crisis, social upheaval or conflict) identified by global partners.
  • Applicants must provide documentation indicating their relationship with the appropriate Anglican diocese. The bishop in the Anglican diocese where the activity will take place should be informed of the proposal, and, where possible, the proposal should confirm the bishop’s endorsement.
  • Applicants must provide a sufficiently detailed budget to make clear the financial needs the proposal is addressing.
  • Applicants should feel free to consult with the Committee in advance of a proposal.
  • Successful applicants must submit an annual report of their progress within 90 days of the one-year anniversary of receipt of funds. The report should include a summary of their expenditures under the grant. If a report is not received, future applications will not be considered.

Companion Diocese Subcommittees (Botswana and Costa Rica)

  • Recognizing that companion diocese subcommittees maintain their own diocesan budgets, Global Mission grants will not normally provide funding which more appropriately should be proposed and secured by companion diocese subcommittees, regardless of whether a proposal meets other Global Mission grant criteria.
  • Congregations engaged or seeking to become engaged in the Botswana or Costa Rica companion diocese relationships are eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must consult with the appropriate subcommittee chairperson prior to submitting an application.
  • In general, grants will not be given to support congregational mission trips. Exceptions may include meeting a portion of the costs for materials and supplies for distinctive or unique projects.
  • Applicants must demonstrate efforts to raise funds apart from the Global Mission grants.
  • Guidelines for Global Mission grants outlined above in general apply to companion diocese grant applications as well.

All applications must be submitted by April 1 or October 1 of each calendar year using the grant application form provided by the Chartered Committee on Global Mission. Applicants are encouraged to submit requests well in advance of the time the funds will be needed. Grant awards are announced in May and November by the Committee on Global Mission. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information after submission. Written notification of grants awarded will be made following final evaluation of the proposal. All materials will be acknowledged upon receipt and become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina.


Grant recipients are required to submit a written narrative report and an accounting of all disbursements from the proceeds of the grant no later than one year after receipt of funds. The report should address the degree to which the project achieved its goals. Include a summary of best practices and how others might learn from your accomplishments. Photographs and testimonials are highly encouraged. A final report is due upon project completion if the project takes longer than one year to complete.

Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the grant is used for the purposes indicated in the proposal. Variations will be made only at the discretion of the committee granting the funding. If funds are used for other than the stated purposes without explicit permission, the committee reserves the right to withdraw funding.

All reports become the property of the Diocese of North Carolina and may be published at its discretion. A list of grant recipients will be available to new applicants who are in the process of discerning their own involvement with global mission. Grant recipients in North Carolina may be asked to make presentations to parishes to share their experiences and to encourage further outreach.


Enjoy the keynote addresses from “It Takes the Whole World to Know the Whole Gospel” (September 2023) and “Being in the World Together: Engagement in Global Mission” (April 2022).


Questions about specific ministries may be directed to:

The Rev. Matt Addington, chair of the Costa Rica Global Missions Subcommittee
The Rev. Miriam Saxon, chair of the Botswana Global Missions Subcommittee

Correspondence about any of the other grant applications should go to the Rev. Rebecca Yarbrough and Dora Mbuwayesango, chairs of the Chartered Committee on Global Mission.